Matt Lauer & The Bullied Grandmother, Compassion & Ordinary Vegan’s Stuffed Zucchini Boats

June 24, 2012


A disturbing video hit the Internet and news media outlets this week of some middle school children bullying a 68-year old school bus monitor. It was a heartbreaking,  and shocking video to watch,  because nobody wants to believe that children could be so cruel.  The bullied grandmother, Karen Klein,  only began to cry when they said, “you don't have a family because they all killed themselves, because they don't want to be near you”.  It just so happens that Karen Klein lost a child to suicide ten years ago. Such a sad event.  What was equally shocking to me were the remarks made by Matt Lauer of the Today Show when he called the thirteen-year-old children “narrow minded monsters.”  I understand Matt Lauer's visceral reaction,  but I would like to say to him that bullies aren't born, they are made. These children would not have acted that way unless they were copying behavior that they have seen at home. Children who are exposed to aggressive and unkind interaction in a family learn quickly to treat others the same way. Demonizing the children isn't the solution – teaching compassion is.

The Dalai Lama talks a lot about how crucial it is for children to experience compassion from birth. I'm not trying to make this subject about eating animals, but fostering compassion towards animals early in life gives children a respect for all living beings.  It is never too late to teach your child about compassion.  Here,  are ten suggestions inspired by the Dalai Lama.

1. Show compassion towards your child – compassion starts at home.

2. Model compassion towards others – children watch carefully how their parents treat each other.

3. Talk about compassion – have them imagine what it would be like to be in that person's shoes.

4. Volunteer at a homeless shelter – direct contact with people in need is a very rewarding experience especially for children.

5. Stand up to bullying – encourage your kids to notify you when kids are being bullied at school.

6. Visit a senior home – It is such a boost for the elders and a great experience for children to be exposed to.

7. Get a pet – caring for a pet helps a child experience compassion for animals and being responsible for another life builds empathy.

8. Read stories of compassion to your children like Ant Bully, Stellaluna and Stone Soup.

9. Reduce exposure to violence in games and movies.

10. Last but not least – teach your children how to listen with their heart.

It has been a busy couple of weeks so most of my meals have been in restaurants,  but I did have time to make these yummy vegan zucchini boats. I used Trader Joe's Groundless Beef which is loaded with protein – 10 grams for every 1/3 cup.  You could leave it out and just make it with rice if you like. Also, adjust seasonings like cinammon, alspice , pinenuts etc to your tastebuds. Vegan Day 419 – Wish me luck!

Recipe type: Entree
Serves: 6 as a starter or two as an entre
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cup Trader Joe's Beef-less Ground Beef
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • ⅔ cup brown short-grain rice cooked
  • 2 tbsp currant
  • 1 tbsp pine nuts
  • 2 tbsp chopped parley, plus extra to garnish
  • 2 heaping tbsp chopped fresh mint or tsp dried mint (plus extra fresh for garnish)
  • ½ tsp ground allspice
  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp ground cloves
  • ¾ cup boiling water (or less)
  • 1½ tbsp sugar
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 tbsp lemon juice
  • 3 medium zucchini
  1. Saute the ground beef and onion in the oil until softened (approximately 10 minutes)
  2. Add garlic, saute another minute until soft
  3. Add the rice, currants, pine nuts, parsly, mint, spices and half the lemon juice and continue cooking on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt and pepper to taste and any extra seasoning to taste. (I like lots of mint)
  4. Halve the zucchini lengthways along the center and use a spoon to scoop out some of the flesh to make "boats". Place them in a shallow saucepan that is large enough to accomodate them side by side. Fill them with the rice stuffing. pour the boiiling water, remaining lemon juice, sugar and some salt around the zucchini. The liquid should not come as high as the filling. I like about an inch or so.
  5. Simmer on low, covered, for 15-20 minutes or until the zucchini has softened - basting once with the cooking juices. I like the zucchini a little firm but if you want it softer, just cook longer. Garnish with chopped mint or parsley or both.





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